Alexander Redkin
Effective criminal defense
Alexander Redkin
Alexander Redkin
Senior Partner, Advocate

Criminal Defense Firm

2008, Moscow State Open University

Alexander Redkin has nearly 30 years of experience in investigation and defense in criminal cases of the broad spectrum, including white-collar crimes, cases related to corruption and abuse of power, with extensive work within the internal affairs bodies (Moscow Criminal Investigation Department).

He has received numerous commendations and accolades, including the Medal for Valor.


  • Defense and legal representation of individuals and legal entities in criminal cases
  • Defense in complex criminal cases, including jury trials
  • Legal representation in general jurisdiction courts in matters of property division, family disputes, and debtor protection
  • Legal representation in arbitration courts in commercial disputes

Selected experience:

  • Defending the bodyguard of a well-known entrepreneur who was falsely accused of acting as an accessory in bribery and fraud. The client was illegally detained for two years, while the defense's arguments were ignored by the investigators and the court. However, during the trial, the attorney succeeded in proving the absurdity and baselessness of the charges laid. As a result, the prosecutor dropped the charges, and the client was released in the courtroom. The case was dismissed, and the client was fully exonerated.
  • Defending the entrepreneur from unlawful criminal prosecution related to the fulfillment of the state contract obligations for the procurement of floral plants. The client was accused of embezzling 300 million rubles. During the investigation, the unequivocal innocence of the CEO (defendant) was proven, the criminal prosecution was terminated, he was exonerated, and pecuniary and non-pecuniary damages caused by the unlawful prosecution were recovered.
  • Defending the entrepreneur from criminal prosecution related to the fulfillment of the state contract obligations for construction. The defendant was accused of embezzling 1 billion rubles. During the investigation and court proceedings, the attorney successfully demonstrated the complexities of fulfilling the construction obligations and explained the actual reasons for the expenditure of public funds, resulting in a lenient sentence.
  • Representing the interests of a company in arbitration court in a dispute with the Federal Customs Service, which had unjustifiably imposed excessive customs duties and fees. The arbitration court fully satisfied the claim and ordered the FCS of Russia to refund the overpaid amounts to the company.